Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Table 1–2: IEEE 488.2 status reporting commands (cont.)
Command FunctionName
*ESE? Standard Event Status Enable
Queries the contents of the Standard
Event Status Enable Register.
*ESR? Standard Event Status Regis-
ter Query
Queries the contents of the Standard
Event Status Register. Reading the
register clears it.
*SRE NRf Service Request Enable
Sets the Service Request Enable Register
*SRE? Service Request Enable Query Queries the Service Request Enable
Register. Returns an NR1 that is the value
of the service request enable register.
*STB? Read Status Byte Query Queries the status byte. Returns an NR1
that is the value of the status byte and the
master summary message.
Table 1–3: Internal operation commands
Command Name Function
*IDN? Identification Query Queries the id of the AM700.
*RST Reset Command Does a AM700 reset.
*TST? Self-Test Query This is currently a “NO-OP” It is effect
just tests the remote connectivity and
does not change the operating state of
the AM700.