CALCulate Subsystem (Average)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
CALCulate Subsystem (Average)
Usage: The CALCulate subsystem for Average control the number of averages, the
averaging mode, and turning averaging on and off. Averaging is available in the
FFT Analyzer and the Jitter Spectrum display of the Digital Interface Tester.
Suffixes: CALC3 FFT View 1 and Digital Interface Tester Jitter View.
CALC4 FFT View 2
CALCulate[3|4]:AVERage:COUNt <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the number of acquisitions to be averaged together for the
averaged trace. Exponential averaging is a noise reduction tool used to remove
random noise from the acquired data display. Hold MIN and Hold MAX are
used to hold the minimum or maximum values for a data point in the trace.
Range: 1 to 9999
Query: CALCulate[3|4]:AVERage:COUNT? returns the number of averages
setting from 1 to 9999.
Query: CALC:AVER:COUN? returns the current setting
*RST: Sets the AVER:COUN to 32.
CALCulate[3|4]:AVERage:STATe ON|OFF
Usage: Sets or queries the state of the averaging for the designated CALC block.
Query: CALC[3|4]:AVER:STAT? returns 0 for off or 1 for on for the designated
CALC block.
*RST: Sets AVER:STAT to off.
CALCulate[3|4]:AVERage:TYPE MAXimum|MINimum|EXPonential
Usage: Sets or queries the current averaging mode for the designated CALC block.