
AM700 SCPI Commands
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Example: CALC:AVER:COUN 32
calc:aver:coun 32
calculate:average:count 32
Command Notation in this Manual
In the listing of SCPI commands for the AM700, descriptive headings are used to
divide the information into more easily identified parts. Those headings and their
content is shown here to aid in interpreting the commands. When a heading does not
apply it is omitted to save space and avoid the need to read such things as “No query
at this level” and “No *RST action or event.”
ROOT:SUBSystem:SUBSystem:COMMand The complete path for a command is given
Usage: What the command does and amplifying information is provided in this
Suffixes: If commands are identified by the addition of suffix numbers, the meaning of
those numbers is provided in this heading.
Parameters: If the command arguments are data handles, the ones used with the command
are provided in this heading.
Default: Where there are default choices or actions, they are given in this heading.
Range: With a <numeric_value> argument, the number range is given in this heading.
Units: When a <numeric_value> argument has units they are given in this heading.
Resolution: The step size of varying the <numeric_value> is given in this this heading
Query: When an command has a valid query, that query and its expected return is
provided in this heading.
Response: When there is a range of responses to a query, the list is given in this heading.