STATus Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
STATus:OPERation:NTRansition <NRf>
Usage: Sets the negative transition filter. Setting a bit in the positive transition filter
causes a 1 to 0 transition in the corresponding bit of the associated condition
register to cause a 1 to be written in the associated bit of the corresponding
event register.
Parameters: The parameter may be a decimal number, or it may be sent as a non-decimal
numeric mask.
Query: Returns the status of the OPERation:NTRansition register as an <nr1> value
representing the bit states of the OPERation register bits.
STATus:OPERation:PTRansition <NRf>
Usage: Sets the positive transition filter. Setting a bit in the positive transition filter
causes a 0 to 1 transition in the corresponding bit of the associated condition
register to cause a 1 to be written in the associated bit of the corresponding
event register.
Parameters: The parameter may be a decimal number, or it may be sent as a non-decimal
numeric mask.
Query: Returns the status of the OPERation:PTRansition register as an <nr1> value
representing the bit states of the OPERation register bits.