Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
traces are selected by trace name; not suffixes. Trace commands are also application
specific and will change with the Instrument selection.
A useful query in the Trace subsystem is one that returns the names of the defined
Query: TRACe:CATalog?
If there are no named traces, a single empty string is returned. When multiple traces
are defined, the names are returned in a comma separated list of trace_name strings.
A listing of the possible trace names by application is provided in the TRACe
subsystem commands in AM700 SCPI Commands, Section 3.
The display commands control the number and type of displays that are available
for a running application. The adjustments available in the DISPlay subsystem
include controlling display brightness, turning on and off view windows (graphs,
text, and generator control panel), enabling and positioning cursors, entering text in
a text view window (dialog box), assigning X- and Y-axis scales, and switching the
graphical plotting methods (point-to-point, linear or logarithmic). The complete set
of commands for the DISPlay subsystem are given in AM700 SCPI Commands,
Section 3.
Windows 1 through n specify the view windows in the application. Presently, there
are four graphical displays, WIN1 through WIN4, the Real Time measurement
readouts, WIN5, the Generator Status display, WIN60, the notifier displays,
WIN98, and a text dialog box, WIN99.
Status, ID, errors, and other required interface type operations related to running the
AM700 remotely are included in the SYSTem commands. A following query of the
system commands is very useful:
This query returns error messages from the error message stack until all messages
have been read. If no error exists, it returns “0, NO ERROR.”