Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Syntax: INST:NSEL <app_number>
Query: INST:NSEL? returns the number of the selected application.
Syntax: INST:SEL <app_name>
Query: INST:SEL? returns a short form name for the selected application.
Syntax: INST:LSEL 'app_descriptive_name'
Query: INST:LSEL? returns a long descriptive name of the selected application.
1 FFT ‘FFT analyzer’
2 Analyzer ‘Audio analyzer’
3 Monitor ‘Monitor’
4 Digital ‘Digital Interface Tester’
5 Diagnostics ‘Diagnostics’
6 PanelCal ‘Touch Panel Calibration’
The Mass Memory subsystem behavior in the AM700 is very similar to to the
documented SCPI behavior. One major divergence form standard SCPI is the
absence of 'msus' (mass storage unit specifier) support in the AM700. The
AM700 allows an optional mass storage unit specifier with any filename given to
the MMEMory commands. The syntax of the file name is:
The device portion is optional.“device” can be one of “rom”, “nvram”, or “dos”.
Once past the device specification, the name looks pretty much like a UNIX file
name. Slashes separate the path-name components.
Mass MEMory provides mass storage capabilities for the AM700. Mass storage is
either internal or external and the AM700 supports both.
The CLOSe, FEED, NAME, and OPEN commands are used to stream data from
anywhere in the data flow into a file for saving HCOPy output.
Mass storage media may be formatted in one of a number of standard formats. The
AM700 does not support the SCPI mass storage unit specifier <msus>.