INSTrument Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Digital Digital Interface Tester
Diagnostics Diagnostics
PanelCal Touch Panel Calibration
Example: inst:sel analyzer selects the Audio Analyzer application to run.
Query: INSTrument:SELect? returns the short name for the selected application.
*RST: *RST has no effect on instrument selection.
INSTrument:SELect:USER <app_name>
Usage: Used to select the application that runs with the User button by short name.
Parameters: FFT Fast Fourier Transform analyzer
Analyzer Audio Analyzer
Monitor Audio Monitor
Digital Digital Interface Tester
Diagnostics Diagnostics
PanelCal Touch Panel Calibration
Example: inst:sel:user monitor selects the Audio Monitor to run on the User
Query: INSTrument:SELect:USER? returns the short name for the application
assigned to the User button.
Usage: The query only command is included for SCPI conformity. STATe cannot be
set, and the query just returns : AUTO.