
AMEasure Subsystem (Audio Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:TARGet <numeric_data>
Usage: Sets the Target Value for use in regulation mode.
Range: 0 to 173.62 V
–97.7815 to 47.0104 dBu
–100 to 44.7920 dBV
Units: Units are set by UNIT:VOLT command. Choices are V, mV, dBu, dBFS, and
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:TAR? returns the current setting for the regulation Target
Value in the units set by the UNIT:VOLT command.
*RST: Sets the regulation target value to 1.000 volt.
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:GENerator <char_data>
Parameters: ANAlog1|ANAlog2|DIGital1|DIGital2
Usage: Sets or queries the generator that will supply the regulation mode signal for the
designated AME.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:GEN? returns the generator name supplying the regulation
signal for the designated AME.
*RST: Sets generator to ANALOG1.
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:FREQuency:LOWer <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the lower frequency setting of a regulation mode sweep signal
for the designated AME.
Range: 0.00 to 80000 Hz.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:FREQ:LOW? returns the lower frequency setting for a
regulation sweep signal.
*RST: Set the lower frequency to 1000 Hz.