AMEasure Subsystem (Audio Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:FREQuency:MODE <char_data>
Parameters: LINear|LOGarithmic
Usage: Sets or queries the stepping mode of the regulation test signal. The steps will be
either linearly or logarithmically spaced as selected for the designated AME.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:FREQ:MODE? returns LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC spacing
of the regulation sweep steps for the designated AME.
*RST: Set mode to LINEAR.
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:FREQuency:POINts <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the number of points (frequencies) to use in the regulation
frequency sweep.
Range: 2 to 200 points.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:FREQ:POIN? returns the current setting for the number of
points to be generated in a regulation frequency sweep for the designated AME.
*RST: Sets the number of points in a regulation sweep to 10.
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:FREQuency:UPPer <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the upper frequency setting for a regulation mode sweep signal
for the designated AME.
Range: 0.00 to 80000 Hz.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:FREQ:UPP? returns the higher frequency setting used for a
regualtion mode frequency sweep for the designated AME.
*RST: Sets the upper frequency to 10000 Hz.