DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Sets or queries the value represented by the top edge of the display. The value
may be bounded by the range of data.
Range: Depends on y–axis scale units: voltage is 173.62 Volts, dBr is 1.000.
Query: DISP:WIND1:TRACe1:Y:SCALe:TOP? returns the value of the top of the
y-axis scale of trace1 in window 1.
*RST: Sets the TOP to the maximum value for the appliation.
DISPlay[:WINDow[1–4]]:TRACe[1|2]:Y:SPACing LINear |LOGa-
Usage: Sets the Y-axis scaling to either linear or logarithmic. If log units are in effect,
the spacing remains linear.
Query: DISP:WIND1:TRAC1:Y:SPAC? returns the type of y-axis scaling in use,
either LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC, for trace 1 of window 1.
*RST: At *RST, SPACing is set to LINear.
DISPlay[:WINDow[1-4]]:TYPE <display_name>
Usage: Controls the method for display of the measurement data in the four graphical
views, 1 through 4. The RT view, WIND5, is fixed in the method of display to
numerical readouts of the measurement data. The availability of display types is
measurement specific.
FFT Interpolator, Bar Graph, and Spectrogram
Multitone Point Plot and Table
Analyzer Point Plot and Table
Monitor Interpolator only
Digital Interface Tester
Bit Activity BIT
Channel Status CST (See also DISPlay[WINDow[1–4]]