SOURce:MTONe Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce:MTONe Subsystem
Usage: Designates whether the multitone signal from a designated source is generated
using the list or a user file.
Query: SOURce[1–8]:MTONe:LIST? returns LIST or FILE as the source of the
multitone frequency set for the designated source.
*RST: Sets MODE to LIST for all sources.
SOURce[1–8]:MTONe:DATA:FILE:NAME <file_name>
Usage: Designates a file name to be used for generating a multitone signal when the
mode is set to FILE.
Query: SOURce[1–8]:MTONe:DATA:FILE:NAME? returns the file name that will
be used when generating a multitone signal from the designated source when
the mode is set to FILE.
*RST: Sets file name to ”asgmton1.ton” for all sources except 3 and 4, which
are set to ”sample.ton.”
SOURce[1–8]:MTONe:DATA:FILE:LNAME <file_name>
Usage: Designates a file name with complete path to be used for generating a multitone
signal when the mode is set to FILE.
Query: SOURce[1–8]:MTONe:DATA:FILE:LNAME? returns the file name with
path that will be used when generating a multitone signal from the designated
source when the mode is set to FILE. For example,
”rom:/mtone/asgmton1.ton” or