DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Sets the Digital Interface Tester Bit Activity display to show either A or B
subframes or both. Either option for TRACe may be used, or it may be omitted.
Query: DISP:WIND[1–4]:TRAC[1|2]:STY:CST:SUBF? returns the setting as
A, B, or BOTH.
*RST: Sets SUBFrame to BOTH.
Usage: Sets the Audio Analyzer display of data to be a line graph of the data. Usually
both line plot and point plot will be on. One must be, and attempting to set both
to zero will cause the other to toggle back to a 1.
Query: DISP:WIND3:TRAC2:STYL:PLOT:LIN? returns 0 for off or 1 or on.
*RST: Sets line plot on.
Usage: Sets the Audio Analyzer display of data to be a point. The position of the point
above the baseline is an indication of data point value. Usually both point plot
and line plot will be on. One must be on, and attempting to set both to zero will
cause the other to toggle back to a 1.
Query: DISP:WIND2:TRAC1:STYL:PLOT:POIN? returns 0 for off or 1 for on.
*RST: Sets point plot on.