Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
H Query internal data points not directly accessible to a user at the front panel.
H Place prompting messages on the screen and query for key presses for
interactive procedures.
H Set up timed functions.
The programming language for functions is Tcl. The Tcl commands permit a
programmer to build conditional tests and create their own functions. The Tcl
interpreter in the AM700 allows imbedding SCPI commands in a function program
using the “scpi” Tcl command. The parser directs the SCPI commands appropri-
ately. The Tcl command language is documented in Part I: The Tcl Language of the
book Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, by John K. Ousterhout: Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1994.
The instrument may be controlled from the following sources:
H The user operating the front panel keys, touch panel, and, for certain
operations, an external keyboard.
H The GPIB port; a standard IEEE-488.2 interface.
Though it is not advised, whenever it is not explicitly disabled as part of the
protocol it is possible to control the instrument through both the front panel and the
GPIB interface port at the same time.
In normal GPIB remote operation the AM700 is controlled with an external
instrument controller. The only time the AM700 will attempt to take control of the
GPIB is when a hardcopy is requested from the front panel with the print port
configured to ‘GPIB’.
IEEE 488.1 Interface Functions. The GPIB interface function set implemented in
the AM700 GPIB interface and the capability level is given in Table 1–1.
Control Ports