CALCulate Subsystem (FFT Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Resolution: Resolution = Sampling Rate / 1024
Default: Omitting the suffix number of CALC is the same as CALC1.
Query: CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:CENTer? returns the
CENTer frequency setting.
Error: Entering a number for CENTer outside the span range does what? Entering a
number that is not on a resolution point does what?
*RST: Sets CENTer to MID full span.
Example: CALCulate1:TRANsform:FREQuency:CENTer 2500
calc1:tran:freq:cent 2500
CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:WINDow UNIForm|HAN-
Usage: This specifies the type of data windowing done prior to the transformation.
Parameters: UNIForm|HANNing|FLATop|KBESsel|BHARris|SRAJan
Query: CALC[1–2]:TRAN:FREQ:WIND? returns the selected FFT window for the
specified calc block.
Default: Omitting the suffix on CALCulate is the same as CALC1.
*RST: At *RST, the window is set to BHARris (BH4).