SOURce:VOLTage Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce:VOLTage Subsystem
Usage: The SOURce setup commands are divided into several sections. Each section or
subsystem deals with a specific grouping of controls that affect different aspects
of the AM700 SOURce commands.
Suffixes: SOURce1 Analog generator HR A
SOURce2 Analog generator HR B
SOURce3 Analog generator HB A
SOURce4 Analog generator HB B
SOURce5 Digital generator DSF 1
SOURce6 Digital generator DSF 2
SOURce7 Digital Signal Processor A
SOURce8 Digtial Signal Processor B
Usage: Sets the operating mode for the voltage output of the designated generator. CW
and FIXed are the same. SWEep causes a voltage sweep based on the settings
for the number of points, dwell time per point, and total sweep time. LIST
causes the voltage output of the designated SOURce to follow the amplitudes
found in a voltage list.
Query: SOURce:VOLTage:MODE?
*RST: Sets Mode to CW.
SOURce[1–8]:VOLTage:STARt <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the starting voltage for a voltage sweep.
Query: SOURce:VOLTage:STARt?
*RST: Sets STARt to 0.000010. Default unit is volts.