HCOPy Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
ELQuality Epson Letter Quality. Good for various Epson LQ and compatible
TIFF Tagged Image File Format. This is a bit-mapped image that may
be output in color, depending on the setting of HCOP:DEV:COL.
Default: The power up default is the last setting.
Query: HCOP:DEV:LANG? returns the hardcopy output language format presently
*RST: Not changed by *RST.
Usage: Causes the currently visible screen to be printed to the currently-selected
hardcopy device, using the currently-selected hardcopy format. (Same as
HCOPy :IMMediate)
Query: Event only, no query.
Usage: Same as previous command. Causes the currently visible screen to be printed to
the currently-selected hardcopy device, using the currently-selected hardcopy
Query: Event only, no query.