UNIT Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
UNIT:IMPedance [Ohm|kOhm]
Usage: Sets or queries the unit associated with an IMPedance query reply or command
Query: unit:imp? returns the current IMPedence unit setting as Ohm or kOhm.
*RST: Sets the impedance unit to Ohm.
Usage: Sets or queries the unit associated with a RATio query reply or command entry.
Query: UNIT:RAT? returns the current unit setting for ratio as either % or dB. Note that
the percent response is the ’%’ symbol, but the command must use PCT.
*RST: Sets the ratio unit to percent (PCT).
Usage: Sets or queries the unit associated with a TIME query reply or command entry.
Query: UNIT:TIME? returns the time units setting.
*RST: Set the time unit to SECOND.
UNIT:VOLTage [V|mV|dBu|dBv|dBFS]
Usage: Sets or queries the unit associated with a VOLTage query reply or command
Parameters: V is the measured voltage, mV is a scaling of the measured voltage.
dBu is a voltage ratio of the measured voltage with respect to 0.775 V, the
voltage developed across a 600W resistor that is dissipating 1 mW. Resistor
value are not considered, so dBu and dBm are the same only when a 600 W load
is used.