DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
DISPlay[:WINDow[1–4]]:TRACe[1|2]:X[:SCALe]:AUTO ONCE
Usage: This command scales the X-axis TRACe[1|2] to display the full trace
horizontally once for each time this command is used.
Usage: Sets or queries the valued represented by the center point of the x-axis. This
value may be bounded by a range of data. When a new CENTer value is
entered, the divisions of the scale remain the same, but the RIGHT and LEFT
values are changed.
Query: DISP:WIND1:TRAC1:X:SCAL:CENT? returns the center point value for
the trace scale.
*RST: Sets the x–axis scale center value to midrange.
Usage: Sets or queries the valued represented by the minimum (left) edge of the x-axis.
This value may be bounded by a range of data. When a new LEFT value is
entered, the divisions of the scale remain the same, but the CENTer and RIGHT
values are changed.
Query: DISP:WIND2:TRAC2:X:SCAL:LEFT? returns the leftmost point value for
the named trace’s scale in the designated window.
*RST: At *RST the LEFT value is set to the minimum value available for an
application, usually 0.