GCONtrol Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
GCONtrol Subsystem
GCONtrol is the root command for controlling the AM700 audio signal generator.
Selection of the generator modes and controlling the output states is done using the
special commands of the GCONtrol subsystem. Signal selection is done using the
SOURce commands.
The commands under the ANAlog node control the modes of the analog audio
generator. Selection of the high resolution or the high bandwidth generator is done
with the MODE command.
The commands under the DIGital node control the digital audio generator of the
AM700. Selection between AES, the audio standard format, and the DSP, digital
signal processor, as the digital audio signal source is done using the special
commands of the GCONtrol subsystem. The type of audio signal is selected using
the SOURce:FUNCtion:SHAPe commands.
GCONtrol[1|2]:ANALog:LDIStortion ON|OFF
Usage: Sets or queries the state of the analog generator distortion reduction filter.
Suffixes: GCON1 is Analog Generator A
GCON2 is Analog Generator B
Query: GCON:ANAL:LDIS? returns 0 for OFF, and (FAST)
and 1 for ON (Low distortion)
*RST: Set the low distortion mode to OFF.
GCONtrol:ANALog:MODE HRESolution|HBW (high bandwidth)
Usage: The MODE command for the analog generator selects between the high
resolution analog audio generator, HRES, and the high bandwidth generator,
HBWAN. In high resolution mode, the generator bandwidth is 0 to 24 kHz; in
high bandwidth mode, it is 0 to 80 kHz. The generator output in HRES is true
stereo with independent signals possible on both A and B. In HBWAN mode,
the signal is the same on both output channels.