AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
The Tcl parser looks first to see if it is a Tcl command that it knows about; if so, it
runs it as a Tcl command. If not, the parser looks for an *, a ?, or a : in the command
lines to see if it is a SCPI command. Putting the letters “scpi” in front of the SCPI
commands immediately tells the Tcl parser that it is a SCPI command and passes it
to the SCPI parser.
The example function program shown uses some of the commands that may be
needed to change application, signals, and displays. Some control changes may not
be required, because the default setting is correct for the function. You may use the
*RST command to set everything to its default state or the state of controls may be
explicitly set to avoid the possibility that the control is not in the default setting.
The following program uses the AM700 digital generator to supply the signal to the
AM700 FFT application. The front panel XLR digital output connector must be
connected to the front panel XLR digital input connector to complete the setup. In
the sample function, the first line labels the function and the second line provides
some visual feedback to the front panel in the Function Output window that appears
in the Function control panel display.