
CALCulate Subsystem (FFT Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
CALCulate Subsystem (FFT Analyzer)
Usage: This is the CALCulate Subsystem for the FFT Analyzer. The CALCulate
subsystem performs post–acquisition data processing. Functions in the SENSe
subsystem are related to data acquisition, while CALCulate subsystem operates
on the data acquired by a SENSe function.
A number of independent subsystems comprise the CALCulate subsystem. Each of
the subsystems is a sub–block of the CALCulate block. Data flows through the
sub–blocks in serial fashion. The CALCulate block has more than one instance of
some of the sub–blocks. The same named sub–blocks are differentiated by a
numeric suffix.
Suffixes: CALCulate1 Measurement Channel 1, Zoom
CALCulate2 Measurement Channel 1, Zoom
CALCulate3 Measurement Channel 1, Average
CALCulate4 Measurement Channel 1, Average
Usage: Queries the data flow to the CALCulate block.
Query: CALC1:FEED? returns ”CSTM” and CALC2:FEED? returns ”CSTR2”.
CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:STARt <numeric_value>
Usage: Specifies the start frequency of FFT output.
Range: Range and resolution are dependent on the input and sampling rate.
Input Sampling Rate Range (Hz) Resolution (Hz)
High Res 48 kHz 0 to 19781.77 46.875
High BW 192 kHz 0 to 63975.09 187.06
AES 48 kHz 0 to 19781.77 46.875
44.1 kHz 0 to 18174.5 43.0644
32 kHz 0 to 13187.8 31.25