MMEMory Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
New data arriving from <data_handle> overwrites the contents of the
specified file.
Parameters: Two data handles are allowed: ”” and ”hcopy”. If ”hcopy”, hardcopy
output will be written to the file specified by MMEMory:NAME
['device:]<filename>' (assuming the file has been MMEM:OPENed).
Error: If the <data_handle> generates new data and the file is not open, error
–256, (File name not found) is generated.
Query: mmem:feed? returns the data feed name to the file specified in NAME.
*RST: After *RST, the <data_handle> is set to "".
MMEMory:NAME '[device:/]{path_name/}file_name'
Usage: Specifies a filename for use in the OPEN/CLOSE/FEED commands. The file
does not have to exist when it is named.
An optional mass storage unit specifier is allowed with any file name given to
the MMEMory commands. The syntax of the file name is:
The device portion is optional.“device” can be one of “rom”, “nvram”, or “dos”.
Example: mmem:name 'rom:test1'
mmem:name 'nvram:/dir1/test2'
mmem:name 'dos:/tests/test1'
Query: mmem:name? returns the file name, complete with path, that will be used with
the CLOSe/OPEN/FEED commands.
Usage: Opens the file specified by MMEMory:NAME. This OPEN command is not
needed for spooling hardcopy to a file. The act of creating the hardcopy
implicitly opens the file at the start, and closes it at the end. This is how the
spool–to–file procedure is actually implemented in similar instruments.