Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
default values, all you need to do now is turn on the AM700 and the printer. If you
have changed some factory default values, be sure the values shown in the following
example are set.
Making Your Own LQ Cable. If the correct printer cable is not readily available,
one can be easily constructed. A male 25-pin DB-25 connector, a female DB-9
connector, and an appropriate length of four-conductor cable are the materials
needed for the cable. Table 1–7 lists the wiring connections for making a cable to
use with an Epson LQ printer.
Table 1–7: Epson LQ cable connections
Male DB-25 connector pin number (Epson
LQ end)
Female DB-9 connector pin number
(AM700 end)
1 (shield ground) shield ground
3 (RXD) 3 (TXD)
20 (DTR) 8 (CTS)
7 (signal ground) 5 (signal ground)
Note the following when connecting an Apple LaserWriter to a AM700 serial port:
Setting Up The AM700. Set the selected port’s Baud Rate to 9600, Flow Control to
XON/XOFF, Character Size to 8, Reset Character to Ctrl-D, and Carrier Detect
to Disabled.
Setting Up The LaserWriter. Set the rear panel switch to the 9600 position.
The cable connecting the AM700 and the LaserWriter should be wired as described
in Table 1–8. The cable must have a female DB-9 connector on the AM700 end and
a male DB-25 connector on the LaserWriter end.
an Apple