MMEMory Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
MMEMory:CDIRectory '[device:/]directory_name'
Usage: Changes the working directory in the file system. The <directory_name>
parameter is a string. The contents of the <directory_name> parameter are
dependent on the file system being accessed. If no parameter is specified, the
directory is set to the *RST value
There is a concept of a current directory in the MMEMory subsystem. The
current directory is used for the CATalog command, and used as a base
directory when evaluating non-absolute file names given to the other
MMEMory commands.
Query: mmem:cdir? returns the present working directory name.
Parameters: rom:/
Example: mmem:cdir 'nvram:tests' changes to the tests directory
in nvram.
mmem:cdir '..' backs up one level in the
mmem:cdir '.' remains at the current
directory level.
When using '..' to back up through the directory hierarchy, the cdir action
stops when the root directory is reached.
*RST: Sets the <directory_name> to the rom directory, the root directory for the
AM700 file system.