Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
To list the files in a directory use the MMEMemory:CATalog? query. First change
directory to the one you are interested in, and then cat the directory.
MMEM:CDIR 'nvram:/function' or
MMEM:CDIR 'dos:/'
This returns a comma separated list of the directories and files in the directory and
the number of bytes they contain.
Copy a dos file from a floppy disk into the nvram function file using the MMEMe-
mory:COPY command as follows:
MMEM:COPY 'dos:/filename','nvram:/function/filename'
The PROGram subsystem as implemented in the AM700 is for the selection and
running of functions. These commands provide features needed to generate and
control one or more user-programmed tasks in the AM700. Functions are files in
Tcl programming language permanently included in the “rom:/functions” directory
and any user generated files in the “nvram:/functions” directory. The function names
are the file names found in those two directories.
Function programs may be loaded either using the DOS file transfer capabilities of
the MMEMory subsystem or using the PROGram subsystem commands for
unloading via the GPIB interface. Function programs loaded using the GPIB
interface must be formatted as arbitrary block program data. Function programs may
be loaded from a floppy disk through the DOS interface using the file browser
screens called up when the front panel Storage button is pressed. Refer the Function
information in the Examples section for more information on writing and running
Selection of the generator modes and controlling the output states is done using the
special commands of the GCONtrol subsystem. Signal selection is done using the
SOURce commands. See the block diagram in Figure 1–13.