SOURce:SWEep Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce:SWEep Subsystem
SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:COUNt <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the number of sweeps that are enabled by a single trigger event
for the designated SOUR.
Suffixes: SOURce1 Analog generator HR A
SOURce2 Analog generator HR B
SOURce3 Analog generator HB A
SOURce4 Analog generator HB B
SOURce5 Digital generator SF 1
SOURce6 Digital generator SF 2
SOURce7 Digital Signal Processor A
SOURce8 Digtial Signal Processor B
Range: 0 to 1000
0 sets the sweep to run continuously and it must be terminated before any other
sweep commands are acted on.
Query: sour:swe:coun? returns the count setting for the designated source.
*RST: Sets sweep count to 1.
SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:DIRection UP|DOWN
Usage: Sets the direction of the sweep for the designated source. UP means the sweep
goes from the start point to the stop point, DOWN means the sweep begins at
the stop point and ends at the start point.
Query: SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:DIRection? returns UP or DOWN for increasing
or decreasing sweep steps.
*RST: Sets sweep direction UP.