FORMat Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
FORMat Subsystem
Default units are defined, where applicable, for each SCPI command. The UNIT
subsystem provides a mechanism to change the default values. The units selected
apply to the designated command parameters for both command and response.
Usage: Sets or queries the format for a PROGram name. There are limitations on
character data for valid names for files, so it is necessary to use STRing format
to input names that are not valid character data.
*RST: Set FORMat to CHARacter.
Error: If the currently selected program name is not legal character data, but
FORMat:PNAMe is set to CHARacter, a settings conflict error will be returned
for the PROG:SEL:NAME? query.
Example: > prog:name ’joe.fun’
> form:pnam?
> prog:name?
–294,”Incompatible type; Program name not character
data; prog:name?\n %
> prog:name?