Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
AM700 File Structure.
The upper level of the AM700 files comprise ROM, NVRAM,
and DOS logical directories. Under those, other directories or files may exist.
Certain directories are accessible by the user for storage use or information.
File Names. The <file_name> parameter in the MMEMory subsystem is a string.
The contents of the string are dependent on the needs of the format of the mass
storage media. In particular, the file name may contain / for specifying sub-directo-
ries.. File names may be absolute, rooted, or relative. Absolute file names use the
complete name with device and total path to the file. Rooted file names use the path
within a designated device and may be used after changing directory to that device.
Relative file names are assumed to be in the current working directory.
Note that this syntax places some restrictions on the <file_name> (for example,
commas are not allowed).
The AM700 allows an optional mass storage unit specifier (a logical directory
name) with any file name given to the MMEMory commands. The syntax of the file
name is:
The device and path portions are optional and not needed if the file name is in the
current working directory. “device” can be one of “rom”, “nvram”, or “dos”. Legal
dos file names are permitted. That is a file name of eight characters maximum
length followed by a file extension up to three characters in length. Filenames are
not case sensitive and must be single quoted in the SCPI commands. An example is:
MMEM:DEL 'nvram:/function/usrtone1.ton'
Moving Between Directories. Changing directories is done using the MMEMe-
mory:CDIRectory command as follows:
MMEM:CDIR 'dos:/'
MMEM:CDIR 'nvram:/function'
MMEM:CDIR 'rom:/function'