136 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3
[SENSe:]PERiod:APERture <time>|MIN|MAX sets the integration time in
seconds. Values for time are rounded up to the nearest aperture time shown in the
following table.
Comments • MINimum sets the aperture time to 10ms. MAXimum sets the aperture time to
1 second.
• The fastest aperture time available when autoranging is 100ms. In order to
specify an aperture time of 10ms, you must select a fixed range.
• Setting the aperture time also sets the resolution. Aperture time of 0.01 sets
resolution at 4½-digits, 0.1 sets 5½-digits and 1 sets 6½-digits.
• *RST Condition: 0.1 (100ms)
Example Set the Aperture Time
Aperture time is 10 ms.
[SENSe:]PERiod:APERture? [MIN|MAX] returns one of the following numbers to
the output buffer:
• The present aperture time in seconds if MIN or MAX is not specified.
• The minimum aperture time available (10 ms) if MIN is specified.
• The maximum aperture time available (100 ms) if MAX is specified.
Example Query the Aperture Time
Aperture time is 10ms.
Query multimeter to return aperture time.
enter statement
Enter value into computer.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
numeric 10ms|100ms|MIN|MAX seconds