Sel / Iso / [Link]
Selects, isolates, or links the channel.
Parametric Enabled / Parametric Bypassed
Enables or bypasses parametric EQ.
TruShaping Enabled / TruShaping Bypassed
Enables or bypasses TruShaping EQ.
Equalization Enabled / Equalization Bypassed
Enables or bypasses all EQ.
SIM3 Trim
If a SIM3 is detected and SIM3 Trim Enabled is selected (see SIM3 (p. 105) settings), sets
the SIM3 trim value.
Toggles the channel polarity.
High/Low Pass Filtering
Selects low pass, 2nd order high pass, or elliptical high pass filtering and sets the knee
frequency. Use Enabled / Bypassed to enable or disable pass filtering.
The frequency pass filter is shown on the plot as a yellow (low pass), green (2nd order high
pass) or cyan (elliptical high pass) vertical bar. The bar may be dragged to set the knee
Atmospheric Correction Distance
Sets the correction distance. Both meter and feet values are available; conversion between
the two units is automatic.
Use Enabled / Bypassed to enable or disable atmospheric correction.
M Series Array Correction
Displays the Array Correction settings page.