Access Control, 68
changing access control, 68
locking controls, 68
removing access control, 69
unlocking controls, 68
Air Absorption Compensation, 47
setting loudspeaker distance, 48, 49
setting values for a single Galileo, 48
setting values for multiple Galileos, 48
Channel Linking, 42
absolute versus relative gain control of
linked channels, 19, 45
all channels, 24, 42
identifying channels linked to a control, 44
separate Select and Link Group, 43, 44
stereo pairs, 24, 42
using Link Groups, 43
using Selects, 42
Channel Selection
retaining or clearing when switching
Galileos, 28
all control values of a Galileo, 61
all control values of an individual channel,
control values of all input or output
channels, 61
Galileo I/O Configuration, 61
Galileo Settings, 61
processing control values, 60
summing matrix control values, 60
value of an individual control, 60
Delay, 58
on input channels, 59
on output channels, 59
units and ranges, 59
Document Conventions
graphic interface element names, xi
keyboard actions, xiv
mouse actions, xiii
symbols, xv
typographical, xiv
Frequency Control
entering unit multipliers, 26
Full Screen mode, 27
Gain Control
absolute versus relative gain control of
linked channels, 19, 45
entering - values, 25
entering negative values, 25
fader shortcuts, 25
overriding absolute or relative gain mode,
support for arithmetic, 25
analog input configuration, 29
analog output configuration, 29
auto-discovery of Galileo units, 6
configuring multiple units, 30
digital input configuration, 29
manual configuration of Galileo units, 7
troubleshooting Galileo connections, 7
Galileo Linking, 46
behavior of isolated channels, 47
behavior of link modes, 46, 47