Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show isns
show isns
To display iSNS informaiton, use the show isns command.
show isns {profile [profile-name [counters] | counters] | query profile-name {gigabitethernet
slot/port | port-channel port}}
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines If a specified profile is not provided the command lists all the configured iSNS profiles.
Specify the counters option to list the iSNS PDU statistics for interfaces that are tagged to the profile.
Examples The following example displays a specified iSNS profile.
switch# show isns profile ABC
iSNS profile name ABC
tagged interface GigabitEthernet2/3
iSNS Server
The following example displays all iSNS profiles
switch# show isns profile
iSNS profile name ABC
tagged interface GigabitEthernet2/3
iSNS Server
iSNS profile name NBV
tagged interface GigabitEthernet2/5
iSNS Server
isns profile Displays information for all iSNS profiles.
profile-name Displays information for the specified iSNS profile.
counters Displays iSNS PDU statistics for tagged interfaces for a specified iSNS
profile or for all iSNS profiles
query profile-name Specifies a query to send to the iSNS server.
Specifies a Gigabit Ethernet interface.
port-channel port Specifies a PortChannel interface. The range is 1 to 128.