Cisco Systems MDS 9000 Marine Radio User Manual

Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show fabric-binding
show fabric-binding
To display configured fabric binding information, use the show fabric-binding command in EXEC
show fabric-binding {database [active] [vsan vsan-id] | efmd statistics [vsan vsan-id] |
statistics [vsan vsan-id] | status [vsan vsan-id] | violations [last number]}
Syntax Description
Defaults None
Command Modes EXEC mode
Command History This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines None
Examples The following example displays configured fabric binding database information.
switch# show fabric-binding database
Vsan Logging-in Switch WWN Domain-id
1 21:00:05:30:23:11:11:11 0x66(102)
1 21:00:05:30:23:1a:11:03 0x19(25)
1 20:00:00:05:30:00:2a:1e 0xea(234)
4 21:00:05:30:23:11:11:11 0x66(102)
4 21:00:05:30:23:1a:11:03 0x19(25)
61 21:00:05:30:23:1a:11:03 0x19(25)
61 21:00:05:30:23:11:11:11 0x66(102)
[Total 7 entries]
database Displays configured database information.
active Displays the active database configuration information.
vsan vsan-id Specifies the FICON-enabled VSAN ID. The ragne is 1 to 4093.
efmd statistics Displays Exchange Fabric Membership Data (EFMD) statistics.
statistics Displays fabric binding statistics.
status Displays fabric binding status
violations Displays violations in the fabric binding configuration.
last number Specifies between 1 and 100 recent violations.