14.3 Customizing the data application
You can customize the data application to show the system and
instrument data that you require.
In addition to displaying the default, pre-congured data panels in
the data application, you can also customize the data panels to
your specic requirements.
You can customize each data panel by changing:
• The panel name.
• The size and number of data panels.
• The data contained in each data panel. This data can include any
transducer or internally calculated navigation data that is available
on NMEA or SeaTalk. Additional data includes a compass rose, a
distance log, and four resettable trip counters.
• How the data is displayed. You can control whether the data
is displayed in numerals, digits, gauge, or graphical format, as
appropriate for each data item.
Selecting customized data in the data
In the data application:
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Using the trackpad, select the data panel that you want to
customize (for example, ’Navigation’ panel).
3. Using the trackpad, move the red rectangle until it surrounds
the cell you want to customize.
4. Press the SELECT DATA softkey.
5. Using the trackpad, select the Data Group and Data you want
to see in the cell you selected.
6. Press the trackpad right to select the relevant data type for that
particular data.
7. Press the OK button.
Renaming data panels in the data application
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Using the trackpad, select the data panel that you want to
rename (for example, ’Navigation’ panel).
3. Press the RENAME PANEL softkey.
4. Press the RENAME PANEL softkey.
5. Using the trackpad, enter the new name for the data panel.
6. Press the OK button.
Changing the size of data panels in the data
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Using the trackpad, select the data panel that you want to resize
(for example, ’Navigation’ panel).
3. Press the MERGE CELLS softkey if you want to merge the
contents of the cell with an adjacent cell, resulting in a bigger cell.
4. Press the SPLIT CELL softkey if you want to split the size of
the cell in half, and the contents of an adjacent cell to occupy
the same panel.
5. Press the OK button.
178 C-Series Widescreen user reference