Active Motion mode
This is the default mode when you open the 3D chart application,
provided that there is a valid x. The screen shows an aerial view
of the 3D chart as if you are above your boat, slightly behind it and
looking forward (virtual eye point). You can also view the chart
from different positions relative to your boat. As your boat moves
forward the chart automatically updates and reveals the changing
view ahead.
Note: In Active Motion mode, you can adjust the pitch when the
ADJUST ON softkey is set to CENTER, but rotating or panning
the chart will put it into Planning mode (see below).
Planning mode
Planning mode enables you to view an area of the chart, different
to the one in which you are navigating, so that you can analyze
locations and features. You can use the controls to view a particular
area from different angles, bearings and ranges. The chart no
longer automatically keeps your boat on-screen. When you are in
Planning mode, the controls and functions available are the same
as for Active Motion mode.
Selecting the active motion 3D chart mode
The 3D chart is in Active Motion mode by default. To return to this
mode at any time:
1. Press the FIND SHIP softkey.
The 3D chart is re-drawn, with your vessel in the forward-looking
view at your current position.
Selecting the planning 3D chart mode
1. Using the trackpad, pan to the area of the chart that you want
to view.
The 3D chart places brackets around the view option listed
immediately below the databar to indicate that the chart is in
Planning mode. An example of this is (FWD).
3D Chart View Options
Multiple 3D chart instances
You can display multiple 3D chart views by creating a page that
shows the 3D chart application in up to four windows at the same
Each instance of the 3D chart application can be in Active Mode or
Planning mode, as appropriate.
Displaying multiple 3D charts
1. Press and hold the PAGE button for three seconds, until the
Select Page Set window appears.
2. Using the trackpad, highlight the page set that features the 3D
chart application.
3. Press the EDIT PAGE SET softkey to edit the highlighted page
4. Press the softkey associated with the 3D chart application.
5. Using the trackpad, highlight the page layout style that suits the
layout and number of instances of the 3D chart that you want.
6. Press the OK button.
7. Using the trackpad, highlight the 3D chart application in the list.
8. Press the OK button.
9. Press the ACTIVE button to select the next window that will host
an instance of the 3D chart application.
10.Repear steps 8 to 9 until you have all the instances of the 3D
chart application that you require.
Using the 3D chart