PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual Chapter 13—Power quality
HRB1684301-01 119
Displaying harmonics data
For meters equipped with a front panel display, the following harmonics data is
• Numeric magnitude and angle of the fundamental (first) harmonic.
• Graphical display of the 3rd to 31st harmonics, expressed as a percentage of the
fundamental harmonic.
Viewing harmonics using the front panel
You can view harmonics data using the front panel.
1. Navigate to Harm. The Harmonics % screen displays, with the following menu
2. Press the voltage or current harmonics you want to view. The fundamental (1st)
harmonic’s numeric magnitudes and angles for all phases are displayed.
3. Press 3-11, 13-21, or 23-31 to view the graphs for the 3rd to 11th, 13th to 21st, or
23rd to 31st harmonics, respectively. For example, to display the 13th to 21st
harmonics screen, press 13-21.
The vertical axis of the harmonics graph indicates the harmonic’s magnitude as a
percentage of the fundamental harmonic, and is scaled based on the largest
harmonic displayed. At the top of each vertical bar is a marker that shows the
maximum value of the harmonic. If the harmonic is greater than the fundamental
harmonic, this marker is triangular-shaped to show that the value is out of range.
NOTE: The display screen only shows odd harmonics up to the 31st harmonic.
However, all individual odd and even harmonics data up to the 63rd harmonic is
available through communications and software. Individual harmonics data include
current harmonics per phase, neutral and ground, and voltage harmonics line-to-
line, line-to-neutral and neutral to ground.
Viewing TDD, K-factor and Crest factor data
1. Navigate to Harm > TDD/K. The TDD and K-factor per phase information displays.
Harmonics % display screens
IEEE mode IEC mode Description
V L-L U Line-to-line voltage harmonics data
V L-N V Line-to-neutral voltage harmonics data
Amps I Current harmonics data
TDD/K TDD/K Total demand distortion and K-factor data
Crest Crest Crest factor data
Example: 13th to 21st harmonics for line-to-neutral voltage
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
Power Quality display screens
IEEE mode IEC mode Description
TDD TDD Total demand distortion
K-F A K-F A K factor for phase A