PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual Chapter 5—Meter webpages
HRB1684301-01 57
This menu allows you to navigate to the Meter and Communications webpages.
This webpage contains information about the meter:
• Meter Information displays the meter model, serial number and manufacture date.
• Firmware Version displays the version numbers of the installed firmware (OS, RS,
Ethernet, Language and FPGA).
This webpage displays the meter’s current time and the meter’s last boot time.
This webpage also contains diagnostics information for Ethernet, HTTP server, HTTP
client and Modbus server. This data aids in troubleshooting communications.
Click Reset to clear the stored information on this page.
Power Quality
Parameter Description
THD Current Percent total harmonic distortion for each phase current and neutral.
Current Unbalance Percent current unbalance per phase and worst recorded unbalance.
THD VL-L Percent total harmonic distortion for each line-to-line phase voltage.
VL-L Unbalance
Percent voltage unbalance for each line-to-line phase voltage and worst recorded
voltage unbalance.
THD VL-N Percent total harmonic distortion for each line-to-neutral phase voltage.
VL-N Unbalance
Percent voltage unbalance for each line-to-neutral phase voltage and worst
recorded voltage unbalance.
Active Alarms
Parameter Description
Click the event number to display additional details about the alarm, for example, the actual pickup or
dropout value and which phase the alarm condition occurred.
This is a list of active (unacknowledged) alarm events with a date/timestamp for
each event, the value that triggered the alarm (e.g., pickup) and a description of the
event type.
Alarm History
Parameter Description
Click the event number to display additional details about the alarm, for example, the actual pickup or
dropout value and which phase the alarm condition occurred.
This is a historical list of (acknowledged) alarm events with a date/timestamp for
each event, the value that triggered the alarm (e.g., pickup) and a description of the
event type.
Inputs / Outputs
Parameter Description
Inputs Displays the current status of the digital inputs.
Outputs Displays the current status of the digital outputs.
Data Log
A list of timestamped data recorded in the meter’s data log (energy delivered in Wh, VARh and VAh).