PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual Chapter 8—Input / Output
HRB1684301-01 73
If you want to configure for kWh pulsing, you must adjust the pulse weight calculation
and unit code as follows:
• Pulse Weight = pulses/kWh = 1/0.125 = 8
• Unit Code = kWh
Input metering setup
Input metering can be configured using the front panel or software.
NOTE: It is recommended you use ION Setup to configure input metering, as setup
parameters that require text entry can only be modified using ION Setup.
Configuring input metering using ION Setup
You can use ION Setup to configure the input metering channels.
1. Start ION Setup.
2. Connect to your meter
3. Navigate to I/O configuration > Input metering.
4. Select an input metering channel to configure and click Edit. The Channel Setup
screen is displayed
5. Enter a descriptive name for the metering channel’s Label.
6. Configure the other input metering parameters as required.
7. Click Send to save your changes.
Configuring input metering using the front panel
You can use the front panel to configure the input metering channels.
Input metering setup parameters
Parameter Values Description
Label —
Use this field to change the default label and assign a
descriptive name to this input metering channel.
Pulse Weight 0 to 99.99999
Use this field to specify the quantity or value each pulse
No units, Wh, kWh, MWh,
VAh, kVAh, MVAh, gal, BTU,
L, m
, MCF, lbs, kg, klbs,
Select the unit of measurement associated with the
monitored value.
(see table in “Demand
measurements for input
metering” on page 74)
For time-based values (such as kWh), this provides the
associated demand units (kW) for demand calculations.
For other values (such as kg), this can be configured to
provide rate information (kg/h).
Mode Pulse or Transition
Set Mode to Pulse to count only complete pulses. Set
Mode to Transition to count each ON-to-OFF or OFF-to-
ON status change.
Available Inputs /
Assigned Inputs
Digital Input DI1 to DI4
Select the digital input from the Available Inputs box and
use the right arrow button to assign the input metering
channel to that digital input.