88 HRB1684301-01
Chapter 10—Alarms PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual
Digital alarms
Digital alarms monitor the ON or OFF state of the meter’s digital inputs (S1 to S4).
Digital alarm with setpoint delay
To prevent false triggers from erratic signals, you can set up a time delay for the digital
NOTE: To prevent filling the alarm log with nuisance alarm trips, the digital alarm is
automatically disabled if the digital input changes state more than 4 times in one
second or more than 10 times in ten seconds. See “Digital input setup” on page 72 to
adjust the Debounce setting for the digital inputs.
Standard alarms
Standard (1-Sec) alarms have a detection rate equal to the 50/60 meter cycle, which is
nominally 1 second if the meter’s frequency setting is configured to match the system
frequency (50 or 60 Hz). These setpoint-driven alarms monitor certain behaviors,
events or unwanted conditions in your electrical system.
Many of the standard alarms are three-phase alarms. Alarm setpoints are evaluated for
each of the three phases individually, but the alarm is reported as a single alarm. The
alarm pickup occurs when the first phase exceeds the alarm pickup magnitude for the
pickup time delay. The alarm is active as long as any phase remains in an alarm state.
The alarm dropout occurs when the last phase drops below the dropout magnitude for
the dropout time delay.
Digital alarms
Alarm label Description
Digital Alarm S1 Digital input 1
Digital Alarm S2 Digital input 2
Digital Alarm S3 Digital input 3
Digital Alarm S4 Digital input 4
Adding setpoint delays to a digital alarm
A Pickup setpoint (1 = ON) ∆T2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)
B Dropout setpoint (0 = OFF) EV2 End of alarm condition
∆T1 Pickup time delay (in seconds) ∆T3 Alarm duration (in seconds)
EV1 Start of alarm condition
Standard (1-Sec) alarms
Alarm label Valid range and resolution
ION Setup Meter display ION Setup Meter display
Over Phase Current Over Current, Ph 0.000 to 99999.000 0 to 99999 A
Under Phase Current Under Current, Ph 0.000 to 99999.000 0 to 99999 A
Over Neutral Current Over Current, N 0.000 to 99999.000 0 to 99999 A