MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Putting the System to Work
Page 5-26Optimizing Your System
If the MLX module for the CTI link is the only MLX module in the
system, SPM software, version 5.15 or later, is also required in order
to program the CTI link.
For more information about these requirements and about installing a CTI link,
PassageWay Telephony Services Network Manager’s Guide
This voice-response system enables you to run Integrated Voice Response (IVR)
applications. It consists of hardware and software that supports, for example,
automated interactive order-taking. Because it can interface with a computer, it
can facilitate quick and easy transaction processing, data retrieval, and data entry
using a touch-tone telephone.
Using the example of automated phone orders, you can use CONVERSANT to
decrease the need for human order-takers or to handle large call volume without
having callers wait. The caller is prompted to enter appropriate responses by
using the touch-tone keys on the telephone. It enables your customers to have
access to your business and services on a 24-hour, seven-days-per-week basis.
You can customize several aspects of the system, including: the ways inbound
calls are directed; the ways to handle calls during normal business hours as
opposed to after hours or during holidays; optional seasonal greetings; and
interaction with voice mailboxes.
PassageWay Direct Connection Solution 5
This collection of software applications provides a Microsoft Windows interface
between a PC and the system through an MLX-28D, MLX-20L, MLX-16DP, or
MLX-10DP telephone.
The applications include:
■ Lucent Technologies Call. A cardfile that enables you to maintain
information such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers. You
specify the information you want to store. You can place a call directly from
the PC and keep a log of all calls that are made.
■ Lucent Technologies Set. A telephone programming application that
enables you to program telephone features for your MLX telephone from
your PC. You can also create and save multiple button programming files
for your telephone, and exchange these files with other Lucent
Technologies Set users.