MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Managing the System
Page 6-23Programming from a PC with SPM
To access SPM through a local or remote modem connection, follow the steps
below. For more information about the procedure format, see “Using the
Programming Procedures” on page 6–3.
Console/Display Instructions Additional Information
Set up the appropriate physical connections between the PC and the control
unit as described in Chapter 2 of
System Programming.
and press to display the SPM Welcome screen shown below.
Press any key to display a blank screen on which you can enter modem
commands. (You may have to press the key several times.)
Make a data connection to the modem of the control unit.
See Chapter 2, “Programming with SPM,” in
System Programming
. When the
connection is made, the password prompt appears, as shown in Step 5
Type the remote access password to display the SPM Main Menu shown in
Step 2.
The password does not display when you type it.
= current version of SPM