MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Troubleshooting the System
Page 8-21Trouble Hearing Called Party
Trouble Hearing Called Party 8
Possible Cause 1:
If a speakerphone is being used, there may be environmental
factors that affect the performance of the speaker or microphone (for example, too
much background noise).
What to do:
Eliminate the background noise or other interference. If the problem
persists or if a speakerphone is not being used, go to Possible Cause 2.
Possible Cause 2: The telephone handset may be defective.
What to do: Replace the handset with a handset from the same type of
telephone. If you can now hear the called party, contact your Lucent Technologies
representative to order a new handset. If you still have trouble hearing, go to
Possible Cause 3.
Possible Cause 3: The telephone may be defective.
What to do: Test the telephone by replacing it with a similar telephone that you
know is working properly.
■ If you can hear the called party on the replacement telephone, then replace
it with the original telephone and check again. If you still have trouble
hearing the called party on the original telephone, then the original
telephone may be defective. Call the Lucent Technologies Helpline at
1 800 628-2888 (consultation charges may apply).
■ If you cannot hear the called party on the replacement telephone, there
may be a problem with the system wiring or the control unit. Call the Lucent
Technologies Helpline at 1 800 628-2888 (consultation charges may
Programmed Button Fails 8
Extension programming is not stored in the telephone itself. Therefore, if
you move a telephone to a different extension, the programming for the
previous telephone at that extension remains in effect. The extension must
be reprogrammed as appropriate.
Possible Cause 1: The programmed button may be incorrectly programmed or
may not be programmed at all.
You can check the programming of a button at an MLX display telephone by first
pressing the Inspct
button and then the line button.