Common Specifications
7.2 Common Specifications
*1. When undervoltage occurs, no alarm output is provided but the output is shut off. After
power restoration, the inverter may be run as it is. Depending on the running status (e.g.
load magnitude), however, overcurrent, regenerative overvoltage or other protection may
be activated at power restoration. (in external operation mode)
*2. The braking torque indicated is a short-duration average torque (which varies with motor
loss) when the motor alone is decelerated from 60Hz in the shortest time and is not a
continuous regenerative torque. When the motor is decelerated from the frequency higher
than the base frequency, the average deceleration torque will reduce.
*3. Compatible with only the product having the built-in cooling fan.
*4. Activated only when external thermal relay input (OH) is selected in any of Pr. 60 to Pr.
63, Pr. 65 and Pr. 505 (input terminal function selection).
*5. Activated only when "1" is set in Pr.40 "start-time earth(ground) fault detection selection".
Control specifications
Control system High carrier frequency PWM control selectable, V/F control
Output frequency range 0.5 to 120Hz (starting frequency variable between 0 and 60Hz)
Frequency setting
0.1Hz (less than 100Hz), 1Hz (100Hz or higher)
Frequency accuracy Within ±0.5% of set output frequency
deceleration time setting
0, 0.1 to 999s
(may be set individually for acceleration and deceleration)
ve (*2)
0.1K,0.2K ... 150%, 0.4K,0.75K ... 100%, 1.5K ... 50%,
2.2K, 3.7 ... 20%
Operation frequency (0 to 120Hz), operation time (0 to 10s),
operation voltage (0 to 15%)
Input signals
Frequency setting Set using CC-Link, sequence ladder or RS-485 communication
STF,STR Forward rotation and reverse rotation can be input individually.
Alarm reset
Used to reset alarm output provided when protective function is
Up to three speeds can be selected.
(Each speed can be set between 0 and 120Hz.)
Output stop Instantaneous shut-off of inverter output
Sequence start Execution/stop (RUN/STOP) of built-in PLC function
Output signals
Three open collector outputs can be selected from among
running, overload warning and alarm.
Protective/alarm functions
Overcurrent shut-off (during acceleration, deceleration, constant
speed), regenerative overvoltage shut-off (during acceleration,
deceleration, constant speed), overload shut-off (electronic
thermal), heatsink overheat, fan failure (*3), stall prevention, start-
time output side earth (ground) fault protection (*5), external
thermal relay (*4), PU disconnection (*3), CPU error,
undervoltage (*1), parameter error, PU stop
Ambient temperature -10°C to +50°C (non-freezing)
Ambient humidity 90%RH or less (non-condensing)
Storage temperature -20°C to +65°C
Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and
dirt, etc.)
Altitude, vibration
Maximum 1000m above sea level, 5.9m/s2 or less (conforming to
JIS C 0040)