Sending Explicit Messages Section 6-4
D: First response word
C: First control data word
Command data is set in order starting with the word specified for the
CMND(490) operand S (first command word) and continuing with words with
higher addresses in I/O memory in the command block format.
Command Format Example: Writing Error Clear Codes to the CPU Unit
In the same way, response data is set from the starting with the word specified
for CMND(490) operand D (first response word) and continuing with words
with higher addresses in I/O memory in the response block format.
Note Service data that is in word (2-byte) or double-word (4-byte) units, such as
word data and ERROR CLEAR codes, is specified from low to high (U) bytes
in command block format. For example, to specify word data $1234, specify
$34 and then $12. To specify $12345678, specify $78 to $56 to $34 to $12.
The command blocks are shown in the following diagram.
Set in this order starting from the word specified for the
CMND(490) operand S (first command word) and
continuing with words with higher addresses.
node address
Class ID
Instance ID
Service Data
Method for Setting Data from CMND(490) Operand S
FINS command code
Node address, Service Code
Class ID
Instance ID
Service Data
Service Data
28 01 01 10 00 2F 00 00 65 FE FF