Omron CJ1W-DRM21 Marine RADAR User Manual

Allocated CIO Area Words Section 3-2
01 Remote I/O
tions Flag
ON Unit Indicates that remote I/O communications are being performed for the
master function. Normally, the Unit will perform remote I/O communica-
tions automatically.
Note This bit only indicates the start of remote I/O communications, and
does not indicate whether data has actually been exchanged with
slaves. Actual data exchange between one or more slaves is mon-
itored from I/O Data Communications Flag (word n+12 bit 15).
Therefore use I/O Data Communications Flag rather than this bit
as the input condition in I/O processing for slaves from the ladder
OFF Unit Indicates remote I/O communications have stopped. This bit turns OFF in
order to stop communications under the following conditions:
No slaves are registered in the scan list.
Invalid Setup Data Flag (word n+12, bit 04)
A remote I/O communications error or sending error (network power er-
ror or send timeout error) occurred with DIP switch pin 3 (remote I/O
communications stop/continue setting for communications errors) on
the front panel turned ON.
The remote I/O Communications Stop Switch (word n, bit 04) is ON.
02 Reserved by
--- --- ---
03 Master
ON Unit Indicates that master communications are enabled (Unit is operating as a
Master) (default setting).
OFF Unit Indicates that master communications are disabled.
04 Scan List
ON Unit Indicates that the Unit is operating with the scan list disabled (default set-
OFF Unit Indicates that the Unit is operating with the scan list enabled.
05 Reserved by
--- --- ---
06 Automatic
ON Unit Indicates that the connection type was automatically set in the slave scan
This flag is valid only with slave communications enabled.
OFF Unit Indicates that the connection type was set from the Configurator in the
slave scan list.
Note The type of connection in slave communications cannot be speci-
fied without the Configurator. If it is not set from the Configurator, it
will be set automatically.
07 Slave Func-
tion Enabled
ON Unit Indicates that slave communications are enabled.
OFF Unit Indicates that slave communications are disabled (default setting).
08 File Read/
Write Error
ON Unit Indicates that an error has occurred when user setup data is read from a
Memory Card in the CPU Unit or when data is written as a file to a Mem-
ory Card.
OFF Unit Indicates that the error has not occurred. Turns OFF when the Unit has
successfully completed the operation.
Reserved by
--- --- ---
15 Error His-
tory Flag
ON Unit Indicates that an error history has been registered. Turns ON at the first
error history for the Unit.
OFF Unit Indicates that no errors have been registered in the error history. Turns
OFF when the Unit receives an error history clear request.
Bit Name Status Controlled
Unit operation