Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix F: Configuring Using HART
February 2015
Tank Shape/NLP (P011) = “Horizontal Cyl Flat”
This Horizontal Cylinder With Flat Ends setting is applicable when volume measurements are
needed from a horizontally-oriented cylindrical tank with a constant diameter (see Figure F-5 on
page 116 for a cross-sectional view).
The volume is calculated from the live level measurement, the full volume of an ideal cylindrical
tank, and the diameter of that tank.
Setting-up Procedure for “Horizontal Cyl Flat”:
1. Use the Tank Shape/NLP (P011) parameter to select “Horizontal Cyl Flat”.
2. Enter the full volume into the PV Scale Factor parameter (page 121).
3. Enter the tank diameter into the Profile Height / Power Factor parameter (page 122).
Tank Shape/NLP (P011) = “Spherical”
This setting is applicable when volume measurements are needed from a spherical tank with a
constant diameter (see Figure F-5 on page 116 for a cross-sectional view).
The volume is calculated from the liquid level measurement and the full volume of the ideal
spherical tank.
Setting-up Procedure for “Spherical”:
1. Use the Tank Shape/NLP (P011) parameter to select “Spherical”.
2. Enter the full volume into the PV Scale Factor parameter (page 121).
3. Enter the tank diameter into the Profile Height / Power Factor parameter (page 122).
Tank Shape/NLP (P011) = “Horizontal Cyl Dome”
This Horizontal Cylinder With Domed Ends setting is applicable when volume measurements are
needed from a horizontally-oriented cylindrical tank with a constant diameter (see Figure F-5 on
page 116 for a cross-sectional view).
The volume is calculated from the live level measurement, the full volume of an ideal cylindrical
tank, and the diameter of that tank.
Setting-up Procedure for “Horizontal Cyl Dome”:
1. Use the Tank Shape/NLP (P011) parameter to select “Horizontal Cyl Dome”.
2. Enter the full volume into the PV Scale Factor parameter (page 121).
3. Enter the tank diameter into the Profile Height / Power Factor parameter (page 122).