Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Starting up
February 2015
7. Repeat steps (5) and (6) until the last digit is flashing, and edited as required.
8. Press the blue button
to confirm the new b.rEF value. None of the digits should
now be flashing.
9. If the new b.rEF value is correct, press the red button
to save. The display will
change to the next menu option.
10. If the new value is incorrect, press the blue button
to exit to the menu. The “b.rEF”
re-appears; re-start at step (2) or press
for the next menu.
If the saved duty is Flow or Contents, the next menu option is “ProF”
(see “Selecting a profile” on page 27).
If the saved duty is Level or Distance, the next menu option is “4”
(see “Setting the 4 mA point” on page 36).
A useful feature at this stage is that the transmitter can be used as an electronic tape
measure. With an empty tank or vessel, the transmitter will read the distance to the
bottom of the tank. This distance can be noted and later used when setting b.rEF.
4.2.5 Selecting a profile
Screen display: ProF
Factory default value: Lin
This menu is offered if the selected duty is Contents (Volume) or Flow, or is shown when
manually navigating the menu system - this section can be ignored if the selected duty is Level or
The transmitter is pre-programmed with popular profiles that are mathematical formulas to
convert (scale) a linear level reading to a flow or volumetric PV. Once converted (scaled), the
4–20 mA Output and the Integral Display will operate according to the flow or volumetric PV.
The profile options are described in the following sections:
“Contents (volume) measurement” on page 27
“Flow measurement” on page 28
Contents (volume) measurement
Lin Linear (factory default setting)
H.CYL.F Horizontal cylinder on it' side with flat ends
SPH. Spherical vessel
H.CYL.D Horizontal cylinder on its side with dished ends
This menu option is in the programming menu. See Figure C-1 on page 76 for a map of
the menu structure and how to access the menu options.