Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Starting up
February 2015
To change the contents profile
1. If entering the menu system from the PV display, press the green button repeatedly
until the “ProF” menu option is indicated (see note on previous page).
2. Press the blue button
to enter the “ProF” menu and display the present profile
3. If the selected profile is correct, press the red button
to exit to the menu. (The menu
option “ProF” re-appears. To get to the next menu, press
4. Press the blue button to start the editing mode. The selected profile flashes to
indicate it can now be edited.
5. Press the green button
repeatedly to scroll through the list of profiles (see above.)
6. Press the blue button
to confirm the new profile. (The flashing stops.)
7. If the new profile is correct, press the red button
to save. The display will change to
the next menu option.
8. If the new profile is incorrect, press the blue button
to exit to the menu. The “ProF”
re-appears; re-start at step (2) or press
for the next menu.
If the saved profile is “Lin”, the next menu option is “SCALE”
(see “K-factor for the flow law” on page 32).
If another contents profile is saved, the next menu is “Cont @ max”
(see “Maximum contents (volume) entry” on page 35).
Flow measurement
Table 4-1 lists the options that select a standard flow structure for the profile and the conversion
(scale) factors used to obtain the flow PV.
There are two other profiles:
SPEC.P (Special Plotted)
This option is only visible when the transmitter is configured using a HART Master
(e.g. a Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit).
SPEC.C (Special Calculated)
This option is used when a standard profile is not available from the transmitter’s
library. A power factor and a K-factor can be edited for an unsupported flow structure,
or to allow for imperfections in a standard flow structure. (See “Power Factor for the
Flow Law” on page 31 and “K-factor for the flow law” on page 32).
This menu option is in the programming menu. See Figure C-1 on page 76 for a map of
the menu structure and how to access the menu options.