Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix F: Configuring Using HART
February 2015
F.3.21 Setting-up relays on the MSP400RH
The MSP400RH has two integral signal relays of type SPST (Single Pole, Single Throw).
F.3.22 Relay 1 (P070 to P072)
P070 RL1 Mode
P071 RL1 PV On Point
P072 RL1 PV Off Point
On the MSP400RH, RL1 is factory-set to be a control relay. It may be set to energise at any value
of PV, and de- energise at any other value of PV. The “On” point value may be greater or smaller
than the “Off” point value.
All relay set-point values must be entered in the units selected for the PV.
The relay is switched off by setting the On and Off points to an identical process value.
F.3.23 Relay 2 (P073 to P075)
P073 RL2 Mode
P074 RL2 PV On Point
P075 RL2 PV Off Point
On the MSP400RH, RL2 is factory-set to be a fault relay. In this mode, it de-energises under Lost
Echo (LE) or fault conditions. The relay de- energises if the power fails.
The mode of RL2 may be changed to control mode by entering on and off values (use RL1
instructions below). In control mode, RL2 ceases to be a fault relay until the On and Off values
are reset to zero.
All relay set-point values must be entered in the units chosen for the PV.
The relay is switched off by setting the On and Off points to an identical process value.
F.3.24 Lost echo delay (P021)
In pulse echo level measurement systems, ultrasonic pulse echoes are sometimes lost due to
adverse liquid surface conditions such as turbulence or foam. The ultrasonic pulse transmitted
towards the surface is sometimes not returned, deflected away from the transmitter, or
Fast Keys
2, 2, 4, 1
Fast Keys
2, 2, 4, 2
Fast Keys
2, 2, 5 [or 6], 1