
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 46
4.2.39 Intelligent input terminal setting
You can assign the functions described below to intelligent input
terminals [1] to [8]. To assign the desired functions to the
terminals, specify the desired data listed in the table below for
terminal settings "C001" to "C008". For example, "C001"
corresponds to intelligent input terminal [1].
You can select the a-contact or b-contact input for individual intelligent input terminals.
You can assign one function only to an intelligent input terminal. If you have attempted to assign a function
to two or more intelligent input terminals, the function is assigned to only the terminal to which you have
last attempted assignment. Function data "NO" (no assign) is assigned to other terminals, and those
terminals are ineffective in terms of functions.
After assigning the desired functions to intelligent input terminals [1] to [8], confirm that the assigned
functions have been stored on the inverter.
Function code Data Description Reference item Page
01 RV: Reverse RUN command Operation command
02 CF1: Multispeed 1 setting (binary operation)
03 CF2: Multispeed 2 setting (binary operation)
04 CF3: Multispeed 3 setting (binary operation)
05 CF4: Multispeed 4 setting (binary operation)
Multispeed operation function 4-47
06 JG: Jogging Jogging operation function 4-49
07 DB: External DC braking DC braking (external DC braking) function 4-20
08 SET: Set 2nd motor data 2nd/3rd motor control function 4-50
09 2CH: 2-stage acceleration/deceleration 2-stage acceleration/deceleration function 4-30
11 FRS: Free-run stop Free-run stop function 4-52
12 EXT: External trip External trip function 4-57
13 USP: Unattended start protection Unattended start protection function 4-56
14 CS: Commercial power source enable Commercial power supply switching function 4-53
15 SFT: Software lock (control circuit terminal block) Software lock function 4-51
16 AT: Analog input voltage/current select External analog input setting function 4-12
17 SET3: 3rd motor control 2nd/3rd motor control function 4-50
18 RS: Reset Reset 4-54
20 STA: Starting by 3-wire input
21 STP: Stopping by 3-wire input
22 F/R: Forward/reverse switching by 3-wire input
3-wire input function 4-57
23 PID: PID disable
24 PIDC: PID reset
PID function 4-26
26 CAS: Control gain setting Control gain switching function 4-58
27 UP: Remote control UP function
28 DWN: Remote control DOWN function
29 DWN: Remote control data clearing
Remote control (UP/DWN) function 4-56
31 OPE: Forcible operation Forcible-operation function 4-51
32 SF1: Multispeed 1 setting (bit operation)
33 SF2: Multispeed 2 setting (bit operation)
34 SF3: Multispeed 3 setting (bit operation)
35 SF4: Multispeed 4 setting (bit operation)
36 SF5: Multispeed 5 setting (bit operation)
37 SF6: Multispeed 6 setting (bit operation)
38 SF7: Multispeed 7 setting (bit operation)
Multispeed operation function 4-47
39 OLR: Overload restriction selection Overload restriction function 4-39
40 TL: Torque limit enable
41 TRQ1: Torque limit selection bit 1
42 TRQ2: Torque limit selection bit 2
Torque limitation function 4-92
43 PPI: P/PI mode selection P/PI switching function 4-58
44 BOK: Braking confirmation Brake control function 4-81
45 ORT: Orientation Orientation function 4-96
46 LAC: LAD cancellation LAD cancellation function 4-10
47 PCLR: Clearance of position deviation
48 STAT: Pulse train position command input enable
V2 control mode selection function 4-96
C001 to C008
50 ADD: Trigger for frequency addition (A145) Frequency addition function 4-14
C001 to C008: Terminal [1] to [8] functions
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